Stories 61 - 70

Hard up against it

Dennis ‘Paddy’ Hauenstein

Dennis Hauenstein was repatriated home soon after the war ended. Suffering from rheumatic fever, jaundice, and shrapnel wounds, the former stretcher-bearer found it hard to get work. ‘Paddy’, as he... » read more

The Great Fuck Up

Cecil Tarrant

Cecil Tarrant was a young Welshman who came to Australia seeking new beginnings. Within just a few short years he was brought back to Europe, marching to war with the 15th Battalion. Tarrant was... » read more

Never the same as before he left

Jim Soorley

Jim Soorley fought with the 34th Battalion and was badly wounded at the Battle of Messines. Hit by a shell, doctors amputated part of his arm at the Casualty Clearing Station. Weeks later, in an... » read more

Their war never ended

John and Edward Sadler

Rodney Smith’s generation lived with the memory of war. His mother lost two of her brothers. Edward Sadler was killed on 27 January 1917 in France, and four months later her older brother John died... » read more

An Anzac by any other name

Thomas Henley Manns

Thomas Henley Manns was one of thousands of British immigrants who sought a new life in Australia. In 1914, he was employed in one of the timber camps near Busselton. In October, Manns enlisted in... » read more

But for the grace of God

Joseph Bolton

Private Joseph Bolton fought in the Second Battle of Bullecourt, the AIF’s second attempt to break the heavily fortified Hindenburg Line. On the first day he was struck by a shell and on the second... » read more

Her hands are never still

Charlotte Crivelli

In 1915, Madame Crivelli established the French Red Cross Society of Victoria. It was the beginning of an (unpaid) career in war work that would long outlast the war itself. Crivelli organised... » read more

I seem to dream of blood

Walter Dexter

Walter Dexter was one of twelve Army chaplains charged with the spiritual care of the First AIF. He watched the Gallipoli Landing, but was forbidden to go ashore with the men. He passed that day (and... » read more

The little digger

Henri Tovell

The Australian Flying Corps celebrated Christmas at Bickendorf in 1918. Air Mechanic Tim Tovell noticed an unexpected guest sneaking through the crowd. A child had drifted in from the night, hoping... » read more

A useful citizen frustrated

Douglas Grant

Douglas Grant was one of around a thousand Indigenous Australians who served with the First AIF. But in many ways this was not his war. So-called ‘full blood’ Aborigines were not permitted to serve... » read more