Rowland Lording
SOURCES AND FURTHER READING: This story draws on the work written by A. Tiveychoc (the pen name of Rowland Lording), There and Back: The Story of an Australian Soldier 1915–1935 (Sydney: Halstead Publishing, 1935); Rowland Lording’s service dossier NAA: B2455, LORDING RE; and his repatriation file NAA: PP645/1, LORDING Rowland Edward. The achievements and battles of Rowland Lording were reported in the press throughout his life and this story has drawn on many of the contemporary newspaper articles, including items from the NSW’s RSL periodical, Reveille. For further reading on the history of repatriation see Stephen Garton, The Cost of War: Australians Return (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1996).