Royce Baesjou

SOURCES AND FURTHER READING: This story draws on Royce Baesjou’s service dossier NAA: B2455 BAESJOU, R C; his repatriation file NAA: PP18/1, R3317; and contemporary newspaper reports. The authors acknowledge Claire Gregory’s website which first alerted them to this case and thank Claire and Bev Taylor for assistance in accessing family papers, including Royce Baesjou’s journal. The literature surrounding shell shock is extensive and ranges from historical studies such as Peter Leese, Traumatic Neurosis and the British Soldiers of the First World War (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002) and for an Australian context, Bruce Scates and Melanie Oppenheimer, The Last Battle of the Great War: Soldier Settlement in Australia, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016) and Alistair Thomson, Anzac Memories: Living With the Legend (Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, new edition, 2013); as well as fictional accounts like Pat Barker, The Regeneration Trilogy (London: Viking Books, 1996).